10 Films That Could Easily Be Converted into Horrors

4. Avatar

Ah, Avatar, or as I like to think of it, Pocahontas with Smurfs. The original Avatar was a syrupy, sci-fi affair where Sam Worthington ends up hanging out with a bunch of cat people who like to have their butts feel the breeze and burst into tears over moss and tree bark. In the horror version, the Na€™vi aren€™t only from outer space €“ they€™re the undead! Yep, Jake gets quite a shock when he goes from crippled to shuffling corpse. Speaking of which, in this version, when you become €˜one with the trees€™, you really do become one with the trees €“ if your brains aren€™t eaten by the blue zombies or one of the other monsters that inhabit Pandora, you€™re likely to be chewed on by a carnivorous bit of foliage. Guns aren€™t enough to keep these shuffling stiffs at bay, and it€™s gore galore as the human crew are overpowered and devoured. At least if it ends that way then we won€™t have to sit through the inevitable three or four sequels that James Cameron seems determined to churn out.
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Amy Maynard is a PhD candidate by day, and a pop culture pundit by night. She enjoys drinking red wine, and reeks of Burberry perfume and cigar smoke.