10 Films That Should Have Won the Best Picture Oscar!

02. TAXI DRIVER (1976)

How Taxi Driver didn€™t win the Best Picture Academy Award is a mystery we'll never solve! Don€™t get me wrong, I love Rocky (1976) as much as the next film lover, but can anyone honestly say that it€™s a better film than Scorsese€™s gritty, disturbing portrait of mental instability? With a narrative that undertakes the issue of loneliness and isolation within the big city and the droves of scum that inhabit it, Taxi Driver is both emotive and disturbing on many levels. Rocky may be entertaining, but it fails to demonstrate the same skills in both direction and performance as Taxi Driver does. Plus, if my fellow OWF scribe Laurent Kelly€™s recent 50 Reasons Why Taxi Driver Might Just Be the Greatest Film Ever doesn€™t convince you of its deservedness of the Best Picture honour, I€™m afraid nothing will!
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