10 Films That Suddenly Went Completely Nuts

3. Hot Fuzz

Hotfuzz Commentary4 The final third of Edgar Wright's Hot Fuzz is so deliriously over-the-top that you have to watch it twice to even believe your own eyes. Beginning as a tongue-in-cheek look at the action and buddy cop genre, the film tells the story of a too-good-to-be-true cop from London (Simon Pegg) who is forced to move into a quiet, rural town down south and partner up with a roly-poly amateur policeman played by Nick Frost. Whilst Hot Fuzz largely keeps its feet on the ground for its opening half, we can sense that it's always building to something; with intermittent whipping fast-cuts sandwiched between benign South-Western slurs. And as PC Nicolas Angel begins to discover the truth about the tiny town of Sandford, the film playfully flicks through a swiss army knife of genres before going all-out bonkers in the finale. Wright is chuckling all the way through: you can feel it in his camerawork. By the end he's roaring with laughter and doesn't stop until every last action-film cliche is adopted and exploded in wild comedic fashion. Wonderful, nutty stuff.

Gaz Lloyd hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.