10 Films That Switched Directors During Production
8. Justice League
After the divisive success of 2013's Man of Steel, DC and WB put the cart thoroughly before the horse and decided to bet every single one of their chips on a man named Zack Snyder.
Snyder had delivered for them in the past and had convinced them that he could deliver a DC cinematic universe that would top what Marvel was achieving with their MCU at the time. The subsequent film, Batman v. Superman, was even more divisive, leading DC and WB to question their choice.
This, alongside some very sad personal news for the Snyder family, led to Zack leaving Justice League at the end of production. The original plan was for Joss Whedon to come in and see the film through its final weeks of filming and then oversee the editing, following Snyder's pre-established plan. However, that's not what happened.
DC and WB wound up having Whedon reshoot the vast majority of the film, with the production going multiple months and millions of dollars over-budget. The resulting film was Frankenstein's-monster-like creation with jarring changes in tone that, thanks to the negative reaction from every side of the fandom, made substantially less money than its predecessors.