10 Films That Were Prosecuted For Obscenity

8. SS Experiment Camp (1976)

Few subgenres baited the censors as eagerly as Nazisploitation, and of all the films banned in the UK, few were more deserving than SS Experiment Camp. The video art, which showed a nude woman on a cross being leered over by a Nazi, left no doubt that this was not The Sound Of Music. Unlike the previous year€™s Ilsa: She Wolf Of The SS, however, the film has more on its mind than gratuitous female nudity. Seeking a new pair of testicles, a Commandant castrates one of his guards, which leads to an unintentionally funny moment when the guard says, €œYou bast**d, what have you done with my balls?€ The BBFC were unamused and banned the film, more for its artwork than its content, which they later described as mild and poorly executed. In fact, when the film was resubmitted with different artwork in 2005, it was passed uncut.

Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'