10 Films That Worked As Prequels And Sequels

9. Jigsaw

Jigsaw movie

Jigsaw is the eighth instalment in the long running horror franchise of Saw films.

Set near a decade after the death of John Kramer/The Jigsaw Killer in Saw III, it opens on crooked criminal Edgar Munsen informing police that he has to decide who will die, otherwise Edgar himself will die, with the same kind of gruesome tests and traps and tape recordings you’re familiar with occurring shortly after this.

In the end it comes down to Detective Halloran and pathologist Logan Nelson, with Logan revealing in a series of flashbacks that he was the fifth participant in the initial trap ten years ago set-up by John Kramer, which turns the film into a prequel/sequel hybrid.

He states he was the one that mistakenly mixed-up the labels for Kramer’s x-rays that made his inoperable brain tumour go undiagnosed, and as a result was placed in one of Kramer’s games. Knowing Logan made a mistake, Kramer saves him at the last moment and makes him his savage apprentice, with them working together to make the barbaric Reverse Bear-Trap device seen in the first Saw film.


Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.