10 Films To Get You In The Mood For David Fincher's Mank

5. The Player

Mank Gary Oldman
Fine Line Features

Robert Altman's black comedy thriller is a lasting satire of Hollywood and its studios, and though it may be set decades later than Mank, rest assured, nothing much changes in Tinseltown.

The film follows Tim Robbins' studio executive Griffin Mill after he murders a screenwriter whom he believes has been sending him death threats. Featuring over 65 celebrity cameos in addition to a stellar cast, The Player is a smart, star-studded piece of subtle satire. One particular subplot of note in this multilayered piece of work concerns Richard E. Grant's screenwriter and how his story is altered beyond all recognition on its way from page to screen.

Suffice to say, the world of studios and writers can often become quite murky, as you can see from The Player and doubtless from Mank.


A philosopher (no, actually) and sometime writer from Glasgow, with a worryingly extensive knowledge of Dawson's Creek.