10 Films We Said We Wanted But Didn't Go See
9. Zoolander 2
Zoolander is a satire on the fashion industry that tells the story of a male model that is brainwashed to kill the Prime Minister of Malaysia (Y'know, that old chestnut.) This comedy had everything. Perfect improv, hilarious one-liners, and more cameos than you would believe.
But because Zoolander came out only two weeks after September 11th, it bombed. Luckily, it became so popular when released on DVD, a sequel was inevitable.
Here's the problem that Hollywood has had with sequels since the dawn of time; a great movie doesn't always need a follow-up. Zoolander may have been a hilarious comedy but it was a self-contained story. Another one is just going to be more of the same.
But because fans refused to relent, Zoolander 2 was greenlit. It was, as we all knew it would be, more of the same. The original film may have received a mixed reaction from critics but they universally HATED Zoolander 2 due to its reliance on recycled jokes and more pointless cameos. Although the first Zoolander didn't make a lot of money, the sequel made even less.