10 Films Where Villains Are Introduced In Unique Ways

1. John Doe - Se7en

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New Line Cinema

David Fincher's Se7en boasts one of the most iconic and memorable screen villains of the last 30 years, despite the fact that serial killer John Doe (Kevin Spacey) is kept off-screen for the first 75% of the movie.

We nevertheless get to know the character through his grisly series of murders modelled on the seven deadly sins.

Yet because Spacey was kept out of promotional materials for the film and his name only appeared in the closing credits, audiences weren't able to anticipate John Doe's true identity.

But Doe ultimately isn't captured by the brilliance of detectives Mills (Brad Pitt) and Somerset (Morgan Freeman), but because he decides to turn himself in, walking into their police precinct covered in blood and identifying himself as the killer.

It's a completely brain-breaking moment on an initial viewing - not only is the bad guy played by an unexpected name actor, but he's given himself over to the police despite still having two kills left to complete his seven-kill "masterpiece."

In addition to being a totally unique villain reveal, it so elegantly sets up the film's grim finale where Doe gets to complete his sequence - albeit at the cost of his own life.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.