10 Films Where Villains Are Introduced In Unique Ways

5. The Xenomorph - Alien

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There are iconic and truly unique introductions to horror movie villains, and then there's the chestburster scene from Ridley Scott's Alien - a masterful all-timer sequence that combines grotesque body horror with a supreme shock factor.

After poor Kane (John Hurt) gets attacked by a Facehugger early in the film, the Xenomorph gets its disgustingly literal coming-out party once he wakes up and appears to be unharmed.

While the crew of the Nostromo are eating dinner, Kane begins choking, and before anyone knows what the hell is happening, the infant Xenomorph bursts through Kane's chest cavity, killing him instantly.

Though the Xenomorph soon grows in size and becomes a far more tenacious threat for the remaining crew, nothing in the entire franchise matches the traumatic, visceral horror of this scene.

It is unlike anything in the genre that preceded it, and only proves all the more shocking given the film's generally subtle and restrained approach to violence.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.