10 Films Where Villains Are Introduced In Unique Ways

3. Frank Booth - Blue Velvet

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De Laurentiis Entertainment Group

David Lynch's Blue Velvet isn't easily shaken for many reasons, most of all Dennis Hopper, who gives a performance for the ages as psychopathic drug dealer Frank Booth.

Practically every scene Hopper appears in is dripping with anxiety and suspense, his unpredictable, deeply disturbing characterisation establishing Lynch as a master of the gonzo psycho-thriller.

But Booth is never quite as horrifying as in his introductory scene, where he barges in on his sex slave Dorothy (Isabella Rossellini), subjecting her to a litany of sexual and psychological abuse.

The image of Booth huffing an identified gas while telling Dorothy, "Mommy, Baby wants to f**k!," and then proceeding to beat and rape her is naturally extremely unpleasant, but also quite unlike anything anyone has ever seen before.

That Lynch and Hopper can present such depraved behaviour yet prevent it from sliding into either exploitation or unintentional comedy is a true marvel.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.