10 Flawed Elements In Otherwise Flawless Films

1. Rubbery Cats - Let the Right One In

Trinity The Matrix
Magnet Releasing

A total anomaly in Tomas Alfredson's filmography, Let the Right One In shocked global audiences in 2008 by proving that the director can not only do horror, but also drama and romance at the same time - and all within a slender $4.5 million budget!

The film sees the mysterious waif Eli appear in outcast young boy Oskar's neighbourhood, while a string of grisly murders get closer and closer to home. A vampire movie of an entirely different nature, Let the Right One In does what Twilight could only dream of, balancing authentic scares and harrowing moments of violence with a powerful and affecting love story between these two apparently young people. 

Despite successfully reimagining the vampire flick as a European arthouse movie, the film does have one unavoidable flaw: the scene in which a group of vampirised cats launch a deadly attack on Oskar's neighbour Virginia. One of the few computer-generated scenes in the entire film, the cats are unforgivably rubbery and introduce a comedic edge to what was should be a grim and unsettling moment. Haven't seen it? Think Neo vs. Agent Smith clones in The Matrix Reloaded and replace Smith with house cats. 

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