10 Flawed Elements In Otherwise Flawless Films

9. Morning Rooftop - The Batman

Trinity The Matrix
Warner Bros.

Running against the DCEU mainstream, The Batman wowed audiences around the world by offering up a new version of the Caped Crusader that is aligned with the comics' Dark and Modern Ages, while offering up a few surprises that engage the zeitgeist (looking at you, incel Riddler). 

With Robert Pattinson front and centre in the cape, cowl and guyliner, Matt Reeves' Nirvana-infused Bat-flick offers viewers the chance to step into the world of Bruce Wayne as he's coming of age, still dabbing at the blemishes and planing off the rough edges. And it really nails the mix of angst and good intentions that drive the character towards the man he needs to be.

While most of the visuals are very well studied by DP Greig Fraser, the scene at the end of the movie, when Gothamites are being evacuated from the rooftops, presents a rare misstep. The dark, brooding, comic book look of the rest of the film is dispensed with and, rather than a hero's epic rescue, the scene is shot like a bleary-eyed morning-after, when you've partied through into daylight and have to make the long walk home.

The shots are too long and wide, the daylight does the costume and character no favours, and it is a blight on this otherwise beloved take on the comic book hero that cannot be overlooked.

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