10 Flop Movies That Somehow Got Sequels

2. The Chronicles Of Riddick

Boondock Saints

Despite 2000's Pitch Black performing modestly at the box office - just barely doubling its $23 million budget - Universal became interested in developing a sequel following the success of Vin Diesel's The Fast and the Furious.

In fact, Universal sweetened the deal by offering Diesel $11 million to star in The Chronicles of Riddick, granting him a producer credit and considerable creative control, and also giving the film a $120 million budget - more than five times that of the original.

Universal was presumably extremely confident that Diesel's surging popularity would allow the larger-scale sequel to succeed, and yet, The Chronicles of Riddick cratered commercially, ending with a total of just $115.8 million.

Though this seemed to kill the franchise stone cold, in the years that followed, Diesel - who had since acquired the rights from Universal in exchange for making a cameo in The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift - fought hard to get a third Riddick made.

Ultimately 2013's Riddick was produced because Diesel agreed to fund a large portion of the pared-down $38 million budget himself, even re-mortgaging his home and spending most of his own money to make it happen.

On a more sensible budget, Riddick grossed a solid $98.3 million globally, proving successful enough that Diesel is currently developing a fourth film in the franchise.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.