10 Forgotten Remote Outpost Horror Movie Gems

5. Hunter Hunter

Outland 1981
IFC Midnight

Fans of the Final Destination series will remember Devon Sawa for playing Alex Browning, the main character of the first film. For those wondering what he’s been up to since then, he’s not entirely left the horror world behind, as 2020’s Hunter Hunter demonstrates. 

Directed by Shawn Linden, Hunter Hunter features Sawa as Joseph, a fur trapper who lives with his wife Annie (Camille Sullivan) and their daughter Renee (Summer H. Howell) in the frozen wilderness. Joseph goes out on a hunting mission one day to find the wolf that has been killing his stock, but finds something much worse than a big dog.

Unlike a lot of other entries on this list - where the main characters are outsiders in their remote scenarios - Hunter Hunter is about people who already live in an isolated area and what happens when trouble comes their way. 

Hunter Hunter has a lot going for it and is way more than just the rip-off of The Grey that might appear to be. The setting is great, the plot is great, and Sawa gives a great performance in the lead role. 

Although, why didn’t he use his gift of foresight to put things right?

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.