10 Fourth Movies That Ruined A Great Trilogy

9. Men In Black: International

Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides Johnny Depp Penelope Cruz
Sony Pictures

Ten years after its second instalment, the Men in Black franchise got its big finale with 2012's Men in Black 3.

Will Smith's Agent J is sent back in time to prevent the premature death of his partner Agent K. He teams up with a younger version of his friend, with Josh Brolin putting in the performance of a lifetime as a young Tommy Lee Jones.

Are we sure they aren't actually related?

It was a decent movie and wrapped things up nicely with K revealed to be an actual father figure to J. Soppy, but effective.

Then they had to ruin it with this trash.

A spin-off entitled Men in Black: International was released in 2019. It starred Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson as members of the UK branch of the organisation. Ah, the old trope of relocating a sequel to England.

Sadly, Blighty's fresh air and bulldog spirit couldn't produce a decent outcome for this new movie. A dull plot and tiresome action sequences were nothing audiences hadn't already seen, only this time Will Smith's natural charisma wasn't there to distract them.

Nobody was that fussed by Men in Black in 2019, and this film only confirmed that.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.