10 Franchises That Should've Quit After Two Films

3. Superman

Terminator Salvation T-800
Warner Bros

Richard Donner is the man who directed the first two Superman films, which brought Superman and Clark Kent to life for the first time on the big screen, but the second film was famously and controversially re-cut by Richard Lester after Donner was fired. However, whether you prefer Lester or Donner's cut of Superman II it is an undeniable fact that they are both superior to the terrible Superman III.

While the first two films about the Man of Steel had done a good job at balancing the humour and drama of essentially a man flying around America in his red underwear, Superman III chose to emphasise the campy humour to the detriment of any drama. Richard Pryor was - rather unfairly - blamed by many for the downfall of this third film with his goofy hi-jinks seemingly at odds with the more sombre performance given by Christopher Reeve.

This was nothing compared to Superman IV: The Quest for Peace which was slated upon its release by critics and audience for its dull action and forgettable story line. As one critic quipped, "subtitled The Quest for Peace, this Superman sequel should have been called the The Quest for a Plot."

THE OFFENDING SEQUEL(S) ROTTEN TOMATOES SCORE: Superman III - 26%, Superman IV: The Quest for Peace - 11%

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An avid cinephile, love Trainspotting (the film, not the hobby), like watching bad films ironically (The Room, Cats) and hate my over-reliance on brackets (they’re handy for a quick aside though).