10 Funniest Characters In Sci-Fi Movie History

6. Marvin - Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy

Peter Venkman
Buena Vista Pictures

Marvin The Paranoid Android is the genius creation of author and hand towel enthusiast Douglas Adams. In the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy series, Marvin is the clinically depressed robot, who mopes around the Heart Of Gold starship on hand to share his glass-half-empty points of views and sarcastic comments.

In 2005, the film adaptation was released starring the likes of Mos Def, Zooey Deschanel and the voice talent of Alan Rickman whose monotonous tones perfectly encapsulated the mood of Marvin. Despite the star quality on display, Marvin steals the show and the genius costume design of seeing a forlorn android makes him the character that sticks in your head whenever somebody mentions Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.

What's especially hilarious about Marvin is how different he is to the other robots and androids that feature in the film. Take the ship's computer for example, voiced by Thomas Lennon, the ship is painfully optimistic, positive and upbeat even in the face of certain death. Accompany that with Marvin's dry British wit, the film encapsulates the hilarious differences between the stereotypical American positive outlook on life and dreary British cynicism perfectly.


I see my role at WhatCulture the same way my wife sees my role as a lover: I contribute in a very small way, my presence is barely noticeable and I’m not entirely sure if the laughter is at me or with me.