10 Funniest Moments From Awful Movies

4. Shark Vs. Plane - Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=I16_8l0yS-g It's not often that a shark and a plane will come into contact with each other. Sharks frequently swim underwater and they can't breathe out of water. Planes typically fly high in the sky unless they have skis that allow them to make emergency landings in the water. This doesn't trouble the 2009 film Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus though, which creatively comes up with a way for the two to have a most improbable meeting. Now, the film is pretty self-explainatory since it's basically an enormous shark fighting against a large octopus near the California coast. We are introduced to the shark when a commercial airliner is flying through the sky. They are experiencing turbulence and the stewardess is telling literally each individual passenger to stay in their seat. A generic guy interrupts her by pointlessly telling her that he's getting married in two days. That right there should probably serve as a warning that this guy is going to die soon. Mega Shark holds true to this foreshadowing as seconds later said generic guy is yelling "holy s***!" The reason for his yelling is revealed when a freaking shark jumps 9000 feet into the air and bites the plane in half while it's going 500 mph, killing all of the shocked plane-riders. It's now that we know we're in for a rare treat of awfulness where all bets are off and horrible CGI sharks can just start flying.
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Writer, movie fan, sports nerd. Particularly love sci-fi and fantasy (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings). Love in-depth discussion of films that goes into detail, especially about character motivation. Sometimes wish I was British. Journalism major with psychology minor. You can follow me on twitter @James__Reagan.