9. 2 Girls 1 Cup: The Movie
You are reading this right now. Which I assume means you know a thing or two about a little entity we like to call The Internet. So being an Internet aficionado I assume you know about 2 Girls, 1 Cup. You dont? Really? Ok, well open a new tab and google it. Go on. Ill wait. Go ahead. You back? I know right!! Funny or Die present Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan as the titular (hehe) ladies in question and I completely agree with their casting. Two actresses whose range goes from Trashy to Trashier would be perfect. But I dont imagine this as a broad puerile comedy played for gross out humour. Oh no. Im thinking more along the lines of a serious psychological drama directed by Darren Aronofsky. You know, the guy that did Black Swan and Requiem For A Dream. His style of bleak and probing human inspection would be perfect. Hes already proved hes a dab hand at shooting movies where two actresses have to get it on (thank you Darren, thank you very much) and would write the perfect script. Two girls in a male-dominated world, both from broken homes having to do anything to get by. Forced by sleazy hippie-types into filming this sick movie that unexpectedly goes viral. Theyre recognised on the streets, they cant live normal lives, if they ever did to begin with. An existential thriller along these lines would be something Id watch. Just as long as they dont show any poo on screen. None whatsoever.
Sean Keating
24 year old actor and musician raised by popular culture. Like a 21st century Mowgli. Big fan of TV, Music and Professional Wrestling. It's still real to me damn it! Follow me on Twitter @seanokeating. Then point out how unfunny I am!
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