10 Genius Misdirects In MCU Movie Trailers
7. Zombie Strange Looks Like A Villain - Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness
The trailers for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse certainly cemented the movie's off-kilter tone, particularly as it pertained to the presence of two apparently nefarious variants of Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch).
The trailers first introduced us to the mischievous Supreme Strange, who was clearly shown coming to blows with our own "prime" Doctor Strange.
And later trailers also showed glimpses of a grotesque, undead version of Strange which fans quickly dubbed "Zombie Strange", seemingly yet another malevolent variant that our Strange would have to face off against.
Hilariously this was actually not the case at all - Zombie Strange is in fact the reanimated corpse of Defender Stranger, who dies at the beginning of the movie.
His dead body is then possessed by Strange Prime in the third act in order to try and rescue America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez) from Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen).
The context of Zombie Strange in the trailers and in the final movie are totally different, with the character ultimately being played more for perverse laughs, as Strange takes control of this decrepit, scarcely-held-together shell of a person.