10 Genius Misdirects In MCU Movie Trailers

2. The Wakanda Money Shot - Avengers: Infinity War

ScarJo trailer

Perhaps not a single MCU marketing misdirect is as ingenious and committed as Avengers: Infinity War literally cooking up an insane fake trailer shot that didn't even appear in the damn movie.

Infinity War's first trailer ended with the unforgettable glimpse of numerous key Avengers - including The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) - all running towards the screen with a massive army behind them in Wakanda.

And while Infinity War does conclude with a huge Wakanda battle featuring most of the Avengers pictured, the heroes never team up for this sort of organised charge towards the Outriders: they're mostly sectioned off into their own individual fights throughout the battle.

But most amusingly The Hulk never actually appears in the fight, refusing to come out and join the battle after getting bodied by Thanos at the start of the film.

Bruce Banner is then forced to don the Hulkbuster armour to take part in the fight, a fact that was brilliantly concealed by this shot - a shot so fantastic and expensive-looking that nobody ever believed it wouldn't appear in the film.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.