10 Genius Ways Movies Made You Rewatch Them

6. To Watch It In Chronological Order - Memento

Scream VI Ghostface
New Line Cinema

Christopher Nolan's Memento is one of the most ingeniously premised thrillers of all time, revolving around Leonard Shelby (Guy Pearce), a man suffering from anterograde amnesia as he attempts to solve the mystery of his wife's death.

Nolan visualises Leonard's amnesia through a deviously non-linear narrative, with one sequence of scenes taking place chronologically, while the other plays out in reverse-order, and the two finally meet in the movie's climax.

Even for attentive viewers, it's a heady stew of a feature that damn-near requires at least one additional viewing to glean everything that Nolan's doing. But Memento also goes one step further than this, as the film's DVD release features a special version of the picture in which the story plays out in entirely chronological order.

While there's a strong argument to be made that watching the film chronologically is actually not great - due to the story clearly not being designed to be ingested this way - it is nevertheless a fascinating way to encourage people to revisit it in a highly unconventional new format.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.