10 Genius Ways Zombie Movies Broke All The Rules

7. A Sympathetic Zombie - Colin

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Marc Price

Colin, a British indie movie from 2008, gained notoriety for apparently being produced on a budget of just £45. That wouldn't get you a decent pair of sneakers, let alone an entire film. 

The title refers to a character played by Alastair Kirton, who begins the story by fending off his zombified housemate before he himself gets transformed. Yet another reason why shared living sucks. 

Now a mindless monster, Colin roams the streets of London, which are deserted due to the outbreak. Along the way, he runs into his sister, Linda, who instead of killing him, attempts to rehabilitate her brother. 

By following Colin on his journey, the film makes him out to be an extremely sympathetic figure. It's not his fault he got turned into an emotionless, bloodthirsty husk. In fact, it is revealed later that Colin was only transformed because he was trying to save his girlfriend from getting bitten. What a nice guy! 

A unique take on an archetype so often rolled out as a generic evil, Colin is a fascinating watch, even if it was made for the price of a secondhand fridge. 

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.