10 Glaring Plot Holes You Didn't Realise The Movie Actually Solved

9. Loki Gets Captured Just To Bring Together Those Who Can Stop Him - The Avengers

hulk smash loki image
Marvel Comics

The Plot Hole: In a series notorious for pretty bland villains, Loki is a highlight of the Marvel Cinematic Universe - most people are excited for Thor: Ragnarok simply because it marks a return of Tom Hiddleston's God of Mischief. He improves every film he's been in, even the already incredible The Avengers.

The film's second act sees Loki captured in what is revealed to be a complex plot to drive the titular heroes apart. Which is the stupidest plan ever - not only does it rely on, but it actually creates, the very thing that stops him. Dumb as well as puny.

The Solution The Movie Gave Us: This is a fair enough criticism of Silva in Skyfall or the Joker in The Dark Knight, where a similar trick is played, but there the meticulously plotted schemes lie heavily on coincidence. Not only does Loki's plan allow more for unpredictable events, it's also got a genuine purpose - he appears to be doing pre-emptive damage control.

Bear in mind that he's not the mastermind of the Chitauri invasion and this all seems pretty sensible. The mid-credits sting, revealing that the whole thing was all part of some grander plan of Thanos (he does, in the comics at least, literally want to "court death"), suggesting the Titan seems to want the team together.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.