10 Globe-Trotting Movies About The Illegal Drugs Trade

2. Scarface

Whereas Abel Ferrara chose to show his crime lord Frank White already at the peak of his game, contemplating a way in which to make amends for his contribution to the degradation caused by drugs in his community, Brian De Palma goes the other way in this intensely violent depiction of the rise and fall of the legendary Cuban drug dealer Tony Montana. A list of movies about the drug trade would be incomplete without Scarface, a film which was derided by many critics at the time of its release for being excessive in its gore and profanity but which is now widely regarded as a true classic. Al Pacino's towering performance in the central role is arguably the most intense and mesmerizing of his career, while De Palma's direction is as slick and assured as anything else in his filmography. Eminently quotable - although mostly unsuitable for printing here - and with some of the most iconic scenes in film history, Scarface is also that rare breed of remake, one which honours the spirit of the original while taking it in fresh and invigorating new directions. Whether or not the same will be said of the latest remake remains to be seen.

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