10 Globe-Trotting Movies About The Illegal Drugs Trade

8. Midnight Express

From a young, single mother-to-be forced by circumstances into smuggling for Colombian cartels, to a young and brash American arrested for attempting to smuggle hashish out of Turkey - Midnight Express portrays the harrowing consequences of smuggling for those who don't get away with it. Brad Davis plays student Billy Hayes, the man who in real life went through the ordeal of being held in a Turkish prison after attempting to smuggle hashish out of the country, writing about his experiences in the book upon which the film is based. Originally sentenced to four years, the Turkish authorities decided to make an example of him and extend this to a life sentence just days before his impending release. Already worn down by the brutal life in prison characterised by torture and beatings, Hayes predictably broke down and was transferred to a lunatic asylum. While there were accusations about negative stereotyping of the Turkish people at the time of its release, to the point that Hayes himself criticised the filmmakers for their overly simplistic depiction, Midnight Express remains a solid drama which certainly beats any episode of Banged Up Abroad hands down.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.