10 God-Awful Scenes In Otherwise Perfect Horror Movies

3. Dead Of Night: The Golfers Segment

10 Cloverfield Lane Ending
Universal Pictures

Horror anthologies are a tricky beast at the best of times, but Dead of Night really stands out as one of the very finest examples of this inconsistent subgenre. It consists of several short stories alongside a well-written framing narrative, and while that terrifying segment with Michael Redgrave and the ventroliquist dummy is what everyone remembers the most, most of the film's other segments pack a considerable punch too.

Most of them.

While four out of the five segments are smashing little horror stories, the fourth segment - a comedic tale about a golfer being bothered by the ghost of his former love rival - is downright bizarre, neither funny nor unsettling and absolutely kills the film's momentum.

To be fair, it's understandable why this was included, as horror films weren't really being made in Britain during the early 1940s due to the Second World War, so perhaps it was thought that a bit of comedy would help the film appeal more. Still, the inclusion of this segment was arguably a mistake.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.