10 Good Movies That Could've Been Great (With One Simple Fix)

7. The Original Ending Is Used - First Blood

Rambo First Blood
Orion Pictures

The Movie

Before John Rambo (Sylvester Stallone) became a poster boy for indiscriminate murder in the second and third Rambo films, the character was introduced in 1982's decidedly more restrained thriller First Blood.

The first Rambo is a comparatively quiet and subtle film about the titular Vietnam vet, who upon visiting a small town, finds himself relentlessly harassed by the local police force. Needless to say, it doesn't go well for anyone involved.

Between Stallone's shockingly believable and compassionate performance, the riveting action and strong supporting performances (especially those by Richard Crenna and Brian Dennehy), First Blood is a textbook example of efficient genre filmmaking. It's not quite a smart movie, but smartly made for sure.

The Simple Fix

First Blood's unsubtle social commentary about America's treatment of war veterans very nearly concluded with a grimly devastating cherry on top where Rambo dies - as in David Morrell's 1972 novel - but co-writer Stallone ultimately opted for a slightly sunnier ending where Rambo is instead taken into custody.

To be clear, the film's ultimate ending is no picnic, but it is nevertheless the reason that the Rambo series exists, and that the character is known less for his PTSD-addled state and more for his aptitude for slaughtering hundreds of anonymous goons.

With Rambo V: Last Blood due for release later this year, Stallone's still trying to remind audiences that the character actually has some depth and isn't merely a relentless killing machine.

The original ending featuring Rambo's suicide-by-gunshot was actually filmed and, what's more, it's actually pretty damn great. Granted, the studio would've lost out on hundreds of millions of dollars if they went this way, but in terms of storytelling integrity, it would've elevated First Blood into the stratosphere.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.