10 Great Films Banned By The Catholic Church

2. Angels In America (2003)

"Angels in America has flaws and numerous troubling aspects that would make many Catholic viewers unable to endure it. An unqualified recommendation is therefore difficult." This one was always going to be trouble with the Catholic church... A mini-series adaption of Tony Kushner's play regarding the AIDS crisis and centring on the lives of homosexuals was bound for Catholic disaster. However, for this reviewer to claim it unendurable and seemingly refuse to provide a recommendation is an absolute travesty and, in my opinion, a shame to Catholic journalism. Clearly, the 'problem' with Angels are the gay sex scenes throughout the series and to completely ignore the show itself because of these is very pre-Vatican II and fuel to the fire that surrounds the Catholic church in it's present day. I, as a Catholic, must respectfully reject this review and say that I was not at all offended by anything in Angels. In fact, I found it majestic in presentation and its evocative images a source of deep thought and consideration of the world around me truly beautiful.

Student from Sydney, Australia. Fascinated with the films of Jean Cocteau, Darren Aronofsky, Federico Fellini, and Martin Scorsese. Also an avid watcher of The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, and Dexter (no spoilers please). Moreover, loves to play sport and challenge the laws of the English language.