10 Great Films Banned By The Catholic Church

5. A Clockwork Orange (1971)

"The Kubrick-Burgess message about the human right to a free will is not very new or startling...excessive violence and nudity in a sexual context" The age old taboo €“ A Clockwork Orange. Of course this was going to crop up somewhere, and with good reason. Possibly the most controversial film ever, it was banned in Great Britain for nearly forty years and in the short period it managed to stay in screens sparked violence and crime throughout the country. In some ways the Church's condemnation is fair enough and obviously it is targeted at the first thirty minutes of the film. However, some could argue that one; the message of free will is unique and presented in a very unique and inventive way, and two; that the 'excessive violence' is in fact filmed in a way such that the audience is extremely distanced and removed from the brutality. Either way, it should be made clear that A Clockwork Orange is very provocative and shocking €“ not something for those already on edge.

Student from Sydney, Australia. Fascinated with the films of Jean Cocteau, Darren Aronofsky, Federico Fellini, and Martin Scorsese. Also an avid watcher of The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, and Dexter (no spoilers please). Moreover, loves to play sport and challenge the laws of the English language.