10 Great Films Banned For Ridiculous Reasons

8. Goldfinger's Bad Guy Was A Nazi, So Israel Banned It

Sean Connery's third go around as James Bond is one of the best entries in the entire franchise, with a dynamite Shirley Bassey theme song, the debut of the tricked-out Aston Martin DB5, and a cracking trio of villains in femme fatale Pussy Galore, hat-tossing Oddjob and the titular greedy German, Auric Goldfinger. Whilst it was Gert Fröbe's considerable physical presence that made Goldfinger a credible threat, his classic zinger €“ €œNo, Mr Bond, I expect you to die!€ et al €“ had to be dubbed over by Michael Collins, because the German actor spoke too slowly. They didn't think he was much of a credible villain. Oh, how wrong they were. It soon emerged that Fröbe had served in the Nazis during the Second World War, a veritable PR disaster. Especially when the film was banned outright in Israel, a country not exactly sympathetic to Nazis. The only reason Goldfinger ever saw the light of day over there? It turned out Fröbe had hidden Jewish refugees from his Nazi colleagues. So he was nice after all.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/