10 Great Films Under 95 Minutes Long

1. Blue Ruin (90 Mins)

Phantasm Movie
Picturehouse Entertainment

The film’s director, Jeremy Saulnier, has built a solid reputation for tightly paced violent thrillers. Saulnier’s following film, Green Room, is just as good and could also have appeared on this list.

Blue Ruin is an unusual example of a revenge film because it doesn’t star some invincible super-soldier. Focusing instead on the story of Dwight Evans, a homeless drifter haunted by the murder of both his parents when he was a child. When he learns their murderer is being released from prison, he decides to take justice into his own hands.

You’ll quickly find yourself sympathising with Dwight and rooting for him. The film’s plot is straightforward, but the way it’s delivered is excellent and the small cast all give great performances. Nothing feels rushed in the film: there’s several long sequences throughout which effectively ratchet up the tension and when the violence does come, it’s often clumsy and brutal.

Blue Ruin is a largely grim affair with only a couple of moments of levity to lighten the tone. It’s also utterly engrossing and difficult to take your eyes off.

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Ben is an avid fan of horror, science fiction, and fantasy. He also loves video games but is alarmed at his steadily growing back log; he hopes to finish Red Dead Redemption 2 sometime around 2030.