10 Great Films With Soul-Destroying Endings

1. Requiem For A Dream

Requiem For A Dream
Artisan Entertainment

Sara and her son, Harry, have their lives far from on-track. Whilst Harry, his girlfriend Marion and friend Tyrone traffic heroine, Sara develops an addiction to amphetamines after a crash attempt at losing weight.

Her dream is to appear on TV, fitting into the red dress she once wore for Harry’s graduation. Even after her son pleads with her to stop taking the drugs, she continues and ups her dosage, eventually developing psychosis as a result.

Harry, in the meantime, goes in search of more heroin- both to take and to sell. As they struggle with money, he pressures Marion to turn to prostitution and him and Tyrone attempt to access wholesale heroin from elsewhere- getting themselves arrested in the process.

In the end, the psychosis lands Sara in a mental institution, Harry loses an arm to gangrene, Tyrone faces racial torment at the hands of prison guards and Marion becomes catatonic after abuse at the hands of a pimp.

Sara curls up and dreams of winning a big gameshow, all glamorous and beautiful as her son watches on, happily married and successful.

Oh boy, it really couldn’t be further from reality.

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WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.