1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Behind The Shell And Barbara Walters Interview
Everybody worth knowing recognizes that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is one of the greatest movies ever made. It is not, I repeat not, disposable kids entertainment. It is an Akira Kurosawa like epic dealing with issues of honor, fatherhood, friendship, brotherhood and pizza. The performances are wonderful and rich, the story is engaging and textured, and the action is thrilling and bravado. It is a mockery of justice that the film has yet to be selected for preservation by the National Library of Congress. On another note...... Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Secret Of The Ooze is one of the campiest pieces of schlock ever made by humans. Notice I didn't say that was a bad thing. As it goes fans of the turtles usually end up praising the first, defending their love for the second, and disowning the third completely (underrated I say). What is my defense of the second turtles film? Well, Louis Armstrong once said that if you have to ask what Jazz is you'll never know. While I typically don't like to deal in generalities I would have to echo Mr. Armstrong's sentiments when I say that if you have to ask why Secret of the Ooze is so well liked then you've missed the point entirely. It is a silly, ridiculous, loud, grating, embarrassing, funny, messy, piece of kids fluff. Its a product of its era; a more innocent lighthearted era that produced entertainment that thrilled kids down to their socks. Plus, Vanilla Ice was the bomb. Quit being a hater and admit that when Ice Ice Baby comes on the radio you're glad its not Bowie's Under Pressure. If you don't get the turtles then you probably wont like the behind the scenes special and interview I found from around the time when the second film was released. Those of you who know and truly believe are gonna get a real kick out of this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sY6UWkTpDE http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2i0fn_tmnt-barbara-walters-interview_shortfilms#.UY121LWTjyI