10 Great 'Have' Vs 'Have Not' Films

9. Total Recall

A perfect film, Arnold's acting not-with-standing, displaying the exact concept of a massive group of people that have nothing, subjected by a small few that have everything. A wonderfully debated film, still to this day, about the arguments over (whether or not) the bulk of what we witnessed is Quaid "Recall" trip, or if any of it actually happened, as if Hausers hidden memory broke free due to something Recall used to trigger his "vacation". I have strong opinions about this, but that is for another article all -together. Regardless of the overall, resoundingly, sci-fi plot, in all of its glory, Total Recall remains a perfect display of divided society in full extremes. Instead of displaying this concept at home with ourselves as the targets, we see a subjugation of people who are mutated from exposure to living conditions on Mars. The remake of the film brought the conflict in a very specific manner down to earth (no pun...uh, nevermind, why not, happy coincidence). With a direct separation of one group of people living in extreme poverty on one end of the world, controlled by a totalitarian government, in this case the British government. Symbolically naming the means of transportation to the impoverished part of the world as "The Fall". We get a great view of the world as it is through Quaid's eyes. We even get to see a very Blade-Runner inspired variation of a city organized in suspensions. While the main premise is infiltration of a rebel insurgency, we gain from context, the issues those rebels are fighting for. The very nature of living free, without the oppression of a ruling class.

I'm a writer, a published author, and editor for a small independent publishing house. I'm an award winning producer of independent media, and I get to edit books, screenplays, and comics in my day to day. I love working on independent film & games, during my down time, as well as reviewing films while gobbling down milk duds (it's an addiction, I know). I've been called "Geek-Prime" among my peers for all the fandoms I work in, and I wear that title proudly. It's a passion, and an exercise in my growing profession, to get to write about what I love. Which happens to be a little of everything. But mostly film, comics, horror, games, anime, literature, and life. I do write about academic material, like politics, medicine, physics, and mathematics too. But for the most part, I like to keep things down to earth and simple. Follow me on Twitter & Facebook