10 Great Horror Films Ruined By Terrible Endings

6. Mom And Dad

Mom And Dad Nicholas Cage
Momentum Pictures

Nicholas Cage going on one is nothing new in film, and in recent years is a common treat for horror movies in particular. The Wicker Man remake, Mandy, and Mom and Dad spring to mind for his most batsh*t modern efforts - with the latter in particular standing out as a fun, ridiculous descent into the weird where parents are turned against their children by a mysterious static.

With lashings of violence, zany character acting, and a plot that revels in its corny set up like nothing else, Mom and Dad is set up to be a film that knows what it is - entertaining in all the right ways without falling into the trap of being lost in its own arse. And whilst the ending can be considered as indicative of this still, perhaps one last troll from Cage himself before the credits roll, it's a choice that divides fans as to whether it stands up with the rest of the movie.

Mom and Dad ends mid sentence, with the central mom and dad telling their children they love them whilst restrained from attacking, then the last words uttered by Cage: "But sometimes, we just want to--"

Nothing is explained, no reasoning is given, and the wacky premise of Mom and Dad is left to be enjoyed as-is, no strings attached. Quite how much you can forgive for the simple enjoyment of axe-wielding Cage is definitely tested.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.