10 Great Horror Movies Made In Really Weird Ways

2. Steven Soderbergh Filmed It Entirely On An IPhone - Unsane

Escape From Tomorrow
20th Century Fox

Steven Soderbergh is one of the most versatile filmmakers working today, a fact he confirmed beyond any doubt when, in 2017, he announced that he'd secretly shot a horror film with Claire Foy and Juno Temple, Unsane.

More to the point, Soderbergh chose to shoot the entire movie on an iPhone 7 Plus - an experiment to combat his growing frustration with the large cost of making films, in turn allowing him to produce it for just $1.5 million.

Soderbergh employed an app, FiLMiC Pro, to unlock full versatility of the iPhone's camera, while using a phone allowed him to prepare camera set-ups considerably faster than with a conventional cine camera.

The end result is fascinating, for while the visual fidelity can't even begin to match that of professional-grade equipment, Soderbergh's canny eye for camera placement nevertheless serves him well, confirming that filmmaking is less about the tools than the mind wielding them.

While an iPhone certainly isn't suitable for all horror movies, for a claustrophobic, paranoia-laced film set almost entirely in a hospital, it was perfect.

Despite the potential for a shot-on-phone film to turn audiences off, Unsane was a significant commercial success, grossing $14.3 million - almost ten-times its budget.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.