10 Great Horror Movies Where The World Literally Ends

1. End Of The World

Significant Other
Charles Band Productions

And finally, we'll wrap this list up with a pretty deep cut now, by way of Charles Band's low-budget 1977 sci-fi horror End of the World.

Is it an excellent movie by most conventional standards? No, and did Christopher Lee get tricked into starring in it? Yes, but for all its deficiencies, the film is a ton of bargain-basement fun. Love or hate it, in the very least it delivers exactly what its title promises - the unambiguous, undeniable end of the world and human existence as we know it in its final scene.

The film sees a race of aliens attempting to destroy the world by causing a series of natural disasters, in turn purging the galaxy of the "plague" that is humanity. And true to the aliens' word, the final shot of the movie shows Earth violently exploding just like the Death Star did in Star Wars the very same year.

Given the expectation that the heroes would find a way to prevent the world's destruction, it's refreshing that this film followed through on the promises of its name.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.