10 Great Horror Movies With Multiple Plot Twists

1. Psycho

Us movie

If you thought that the top spot on this list would be occupied by any other director than the one and only Sir Alfred Hitchcock, hang your head in shame.

The undisputed master of the narrative double cross, the legendary late director turned whipping the rug out from under his audience into a form of art. While Lifeboat and Vertigo's jaw-dropping revelations number amongst the most immortal onscreen curveballs of all time, there can only be one when it comes to discussion of his works in this category.

Pyscho's utilization of false protagonist was unheard of before Hitchcock proceeded to blow the world's collective mind, ferociously disposing of the film's purported lead character Marion Crane while breathing life into a cinematic technique that has been employed to stunning effect time and time again.

However, unmasking Norman Bates as Crane's killer simply wasn't enough for the Master of Suspense. Psycho reveals that Bates' mother - who Marion overheard him arguing with - was murdered by Bates years ago. A psychotic spiral of denial led him to assume her identity, resulting in his murderous, cross dressing alter ego while "Mother's" mummified corpse languishes in the basement - an immortal twist in proceedings that remains endlessly imitated and parodied to this day.

Considering the fact that all of this occurred against the backdrop of 1960 society, it is truly incredible that Psycho still stands as the director's most celebrated work. There have been many visionary directors, but there will never be another Alfred Hitchcock.

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Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.