10 Great Horror Movies You'll Only Watch Once

1. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992)

Fire Walk With Me
New Line Cinema

Just as David Lynch and Mark Frost wrapped up the original run of Twin Peaks with one of the most maddening TV cliffhangers ever devised (until their return to the series in 2017, at least), Lynch decided to take one last jump into the life of the late Laura Palmer and her friends. 

Acting as a prequel to the series, Fire Walk With Me follows Laura (the brilliant Sheryl Lee) during the last week of her life. What happened in the days leading up her murder, committed by her possessed father? What kind of secrets does Lynch still have to spill about the mysterious Black Lodge and BOB? 

Fire Walk With Me answers all of these questions whilst asking some fresh ones, with stunning imagery and cast performances. It's truly a sight to behold, but unlike the show that gave it life, this movie has none of Lynch and Mark Frost's uncanny humour in place to offset the heartbreak.

No, Fire Walk With Me may just be the saddest horror movie ever made, a film meticulously laying out every detail of Laura Palmer's final days with no hope in sight. You'll watch it to learn its secrets, then lock it away forever whilst you attempt to recover. 

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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.