10 Great Horror Movies You'll Only Watch Once

9. The Lords of Salem (2006)

Fire Walk With Me
Anchor Bay Films

Rob Zombie has never been a filmmaker intent on making anything resembling high art, the likes of House of 1000 Corpses and 31 proving he's really only in it for the entertainingly macabre. 

That said, he definitely stretched his creative muscles with The Lords of Salem, which to date may be his finest film. The story of a haunted DJ who finds herself entangled with a coven of bloodthirsty witches, the film is a tricky blend of surreal vulgarity, shocking violence, and symbolic psychodrama. 

And, in classic Rob Zombie fashion, the results are absolutely horrifying, so overflowing with bloodshed, torment and sexual depravity that even the most hardened of horror fan will be left wincing by the director's stunningly twisted imagination. 

Watching The Lords of Salem and its embattled protagonist (played by Zombie's wife and creative muse, Sheri Moon) is not an easy journey to take, and its finale will most likely leave you at a loss for words. The chances of you finishing it and gearing up for another go are very slim indeed. 

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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.