10 Great Movie Characters Who Die At The Beginning

8. Heather Chandler - Heathers

heather chandler heathers

Heather Chandler is one of the three title characters of the 1989 film Heathers. Chandler leads a clique of four high school girls, three of whom share the same first name: Heather. The fourth member, Veronica Sawyer, grows tired of Chandler's cruelty and bullying, and vows to take her down.

Veronica teams up with a boy at school named JD to get revenge on Chandler. The two offer her a fake hangover cure in order to cause her to vomit, but Veronica accidentally hands her a mug filled with drain cleaner she believes JD made as a joke. Chandler drinks the concoction and instantly dies.

Despite her early out, Heather Chandler quickly establishes herself as a great cinematic queen bee-esq villain. She commands every one of her scenes, towering over her "subordinates," including Heather Duke, Heather McNamara, Veronica, and any student who dares cross her path. Chandler is so powerful that, even after her death, wearing her signature red scrunchie signifies possessing her power within the school.

The late Kim Walker turns Heather Chandler into a memorable villain turned victim in what little screentime she has.

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Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.