10 Great Movie Performances (No One Ever Talks About)

6. Tilda Swinton - We Need To Talk About Kevin

Val Kilmer Tombstone
Oscilloscope Laboratories

Tilda Swinton is one of cinema's all-time great chameleons, yet has arguably never been better than when playing one of her more down-to-Earth characters in Lynne Ramsay's challenging drama We Need to Talk About Kevin.

Swinton plays Eva Khatchadourian, the mother of the titular Kevin (Ezra Miller), who is in prison after going on a high school killing spree.

Much of the film is focused on Eva trying to come to terms with her son's act and any role she may have played in it by failing to bond with her son.

Though much of Eva's emotion is subtle and internalised, Swinton does a fantastic job depicting a self-tormented woman who is quite literally spat on by society.

The film's subject matter makes for uncomfortable viewing, yet thanks to Ramsay's uncompromising approach, Swinton is able to deliver a frank, full-bodied rendition of a parent in crisis.

Once again, though, the Golden Globes at least nominated her for Best Actress while the Academy flatly ignored her.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.