10 Great Movies That Bombed At The Box Office

7. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen

Even for the fairly shaky box office track record of Terry Gilliam, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen was a massive flop, earning just $8m against $46m, making it a sizable bomb, all the more so when you consider its stature as a visually lavish fantasy film, which surely would have been able to bring the auds in with a tasty trailer or two. Coming off the financial failure of his excellent Brazil, he made that film's commercial flopping seem trivial, by topping Brazil's $6m loss with a massive $38 here. A poor release schedule likely didn't help the film's box office at all, nor did Gilliam's casting of several Monty Python actors who weren't that well-known outside of the UK. Still, it's a marvellously inventive film, and though Gilliam is often known for being style-over-substance, that certainly isn't true here; it's a wonderful film about the power of dreams over administration - quite ironic given the film's financial reception - that's superbly acted, and quite unlike anything you've ever seen. Still, this one seems to be more a case of a studio slitting their own throat more than anything.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.