10 Great Movies Where the World Literally Ends

5. Titan AE (2000)

Melancholia Ending

A truly turn-of-the-millennium movie, Titan AE blended traditional drawn animation with CGI to make something not quite as good as either, but with a unique look and an approach that would become one of the stepping stones which the whole digital movie enterprise would use to get where it was going.

Taking place in a 3028 where humanity has, somehow, managed not to destroy the Earth itself yet, Titan AE opens on the destruction of our world by mysterious alien race the Drej, causing the mass evacuation of the planet. Wackiness ensues.

Our protagonist is intergalactic scrap yard worker Cale Tucker (a fresh-voiced Matt Damon, before Bourne took hold). He must follow a map hidden in the MacGuffin (a golden ring) given to him by his scientist father in order to find a ship – the Titan – with the capability of creating a new world.

While he doesn't succeed in recreating or resurrecting Earth, he does manage to build the so-called Planet Bob for what's left of humanity to live on, potentially foreshadowing the Minions in the process.


The definitive word sculptor, editor and trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.