10 Great Movies With 10% Or Less On Rotten Tomatoes

6. Bulletproof (8%)

Friday The 13th Part 3

Of all the many, many buddy cop movies released in the 1990s, Bulletproof will never top a list of them, but it might shock you to learn that this ludicrously entertaining slice of action-comedy fluff has a pitiable 8% on the Tomatometer.

Bulletproof stars Adam Sandler as a small-time thief being transported across the country to testify against a drug lord by a cop (Damon Wayans) who formerly worked alongside him in an undercover capacity.

Plenty of ridiculous hijinks ensue in a movie that's powered by both Sandler and Wayans' robust chemistry and the sheer go-for-broke absurdity of this 84-minute sprint of a genre romp.

At its worst it's a sub-Lethal Weapon exercise yet benefits enormously from Ernest Dickerson's stylish direction and a fun supporting turn from the late, great James Caan as kingpin Frank Colton.

If you're craving neat action, gut-busting one-liners, and two committed leads, this is a damn fun time, Shakespeare though it ain't.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.