10 Great Movies With "Rotten" Scores On Rotten Tomatoes

1. The Room (2003)

jumanji movie
TPW Films

The best worst film ever has a Rotten score of 25%.

What makes a film great?

Competent acting? A plot that makes sense? The slightest hint of story structure? Characters that behave like actual human beings?

Tommy Wiseau proves the answer to all these is “No”.

By far the funniest film ever made, The Room even gets funnier with each rewatch. The fact that this movie exists at all is a thing of beauty; that one man’s vision can be so totally idiotic is astounding. And the mythos around it and Mr Wiseau make it all the more wonderful.

What makes a film great is how glad you are that you watched it.

I have never been happier for watching a film, ever, than after watching The Room. And if that's not a mark of greatness, I don't know what is...

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Born in Essex, lives in South London. MA in Film & Literature, actor, and playwright.