10 Great Movies You Didn't Understand The First Time

9. Jacob's Ladder

Jacob's Ladder
TriStar Entertainment

If the first time through this movie your general reaction was. €œah, what the hell is happening?€ Rest assured that you were not alone. In hindsight, the twist ending helps made sense of what was going on, but for that first go-around, there's no such clarity to be found.

Jacob Singer is a New York City postal working and a Vietnam veteran. Things in his life, however, are not as they seem, as his paranoia begins manifesting itself in visions of demons, his beliefs and fears contributing to a dream state he cannot escape from. We're engrossed, trying to figure out if he's deranged or if the government really is after him.

But even when we discover that he never made it back from Vietnam, it€™s still pretty hard to digest everything. That he€™s been hallucinating everything doesn't exactly relieve that puzzling sensation throughout the entirety of the film.

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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.