10 Great Movies You'll Only Want To Watch Once

4. We Need To Talk About Kevin (2011)

Oldboy Octopus
Artificial Eye

There have been several films made about disturbed youths who go on violent rampages in their schools. Gus Van Sant's Elephant was emotional if not a bit pretentious, and Michael Moore's documentary Bowling for Columbine was preachy but informative.

We Need to Talk About Kevin is the most horrifying of the bunch, though. The film follows the intelligent, manipulative and deeply unhinged Kevin Khatchadourian as he slowly turns his parents against one another and tortures his younger sister Celia, interwoven with the struggles of his mother Eva, trying to cope after Kevin has committed an atrocity in his school.

Years before he was the Flash, Ezra Miller proved to be a talented actor, losing himself in Kevin to create a believable and truly frightening psychopath. Tilda Swinton is also brilliant as Eva, earning sympathy for the struggling mother and the woman vilified by the community after her child murders not only his classmates, but also his father and sister.

It is every parent's worst fear that their child will turn out to be a bad person, and We Need to Talk About Kevin crystallises this fear into an intense and horrifying story. Even before Kevin's most violent act, there are unsettling moments; from Kevin remorselessly masturbating in front of his mother to his implied killing of Celia's guinea pig.

We Need to Talk About Kevin is a well-written, brilliantly acted film, but also one of the most brutal and disturbing family dramas ever made.

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Aspiring author. Film reviewer. Bestiary curator. Burgeoning misanthrope.